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Step by Step to Straight Teeth

The idea of getting braces on might seem overwhelming but since our Doctors and our awesome team use a high-tech approach, we make the process simple and fun (yes, really!). To get right to it and start your braces treatment today, schedule your free consultation at Davis Orthodontics online or by calling us at (864) 801-3500.


Come in for a Consultation

When you swing by for your free consultation, we’ll take x-rays and perform an exam so we can determine if you need braces. If you do, our Doctors will develop a diagnosis and a customized treatment plan. We’ll chat with you about your goals, your options and go over finances, insurance and payment plans. By the time your visit wraps up, you’ll feel informed and confident about starting treatment.

Get Your Braces Put On

While the exact details will depend on the type of braces you choose, placing your appliance doesn’t hurt and there are absolutely no needles involved. The bonding process takes about an hour and our team will make sure you’re nice and comfy. Using a special glue, our Doctors stick the brackets to your teeth (on the front for clear and metal braces) and then runs your customized archwire through the brackets. For patients wearing conventional metal braces, this is the part where you get to pick out your colorful elastics. Once you’re all set, we’ll give you instructions for caring for your new tooth hardware and send you on your way.

Come in for Adjustments

You’ll visit one of our 8 Upstate locations for regular adjustments. Our Doctors will make the necessary tweaks and examine you to ensure your treatment is on track. If you have questions, ask away! We’re always here to help.

Reveal Your New Smile!

When the big day arrives, we’ll give you a high-five and then get started removing your braces. Just like getting those braces on, taking them off doesn’t hurt either. After our Doctors remove your brackets and wires and polish your teeth, we’ll let you check out your beautiful, healthy smile in the mirror.


The only way to maintain your results is to wear a retainer once your braces come off. We’ll custom fit you for the appliance and tell you how to use it for the best results. When you see how amazing your smile looks, a retainer won’t seem like a big deal.

Personalized Smile Solutions